Lotus Moon Birth

Home Birth Midwifery and
Lactation Consultation

About this picture: This sweet chunky home birthed baby was having his newborn exam when his mama got up to go to the bathroom. He started to cry so I paused to pat and soothe him while explaining that she'd be right back and really wanted to be with him too. This picture was taken as he calmed down while still looking off in his mommy's direction, patiently waiting for her return. Listening to and following the newborn's pace is something I love to do as it allows them to trust me and understand that their feelings are respected. -Shelia
Please call our office to schedule an appointment, or fill in the contact form below and we will be in touch with you within 24 hrs.
Office in west San Fernando Valley.
Teaching Bradley® Childbirth classes in west San Fernando Valley near the Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Winnetka, Tarzana, and West Hills area.
Tel: 42-4-BABY-4U2
Tel: 424-222-9482
Mon - Fri 10am-6pm