Lotus Moon Birth

Home Birth Midwifery and
Lactation Consultation
Photo credit: Art Shaped Photography by the talented photographer, Diana Hinek. artshapedphotography.com
About Shelia Feldman, LM, CPM, IBCLC
Shelia began her career in the birth world after the incredibly empowering births of her sons in 2000 and 2001. She became a birth doula, assisting women during their prenatal period and birthing. She also became a certified Bradley Method® instructor, helping mothers and their partners learn how to stay healthy and have normal, natural births.
As she continued her studies she felt that she must follow her calling to the path of midwifery and has become a licensed home birth midwife in the state of California. She is also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
Shelia is a graduate of National College of MIdwifery and is trained by the American Association of Family Physicians in Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO). She's certified in adult, infant, and child basic life support (CPR) in addition to neonatal resuscitation.